What are YOUR goals for 2025?
Happy New Year!
Move past injury. Move toward success. Move without age limits. Move well.
Treatment customized to your body. Your goals. Your future.
As we transition to a new calendar, I again feel overwhelmed with gratitude for you, my patients - for your ongoing support and loyalty to CoachAmyPT and for trusting me with your wellness.
The new year is traditionally a time to reflect on last year's goals and create new ones. While I recommend evaluating and adjusting your goals throughout the year, the turnover to the next 365 days is a great time to do so, so let's give it a go!
Reflecting on 2024
Personal reflections.
My wellness goals for 2024 were a success! I gradually and progressively returned to a consistent running and strengthening routine as I fully recovered from knee surgery and learned to balance my autoimmune disease. I found the “Goldilocks” balance by listening to my body’s response and adjusting as needed. In other words, practicing what I preach. And I'm still working on it because, as you’ve heard me say many times, “It is a process!”
Clinic reflections.
And what about the clinic? CoachAmyPT successfully integrated blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT) into the treatment toolbox, improving outcomes for patients recovering from surgery and injury.
This year, I earned a certification in primary care physical therapy. This allows me to screen for medical issues, educate patients on their options, and refer them to specialists as needed. This new approach enhances patients' wellness and improves preventative strategies.
Not all goals were met this year. We aimed to launch a refreshed, user-friendly website by the end of 2024. While you may have noticed changes to the current site, it's just an interim version, not the final product. Like physical therapy, timelines can be unpredictable, and setbacks can occur. Things may look chaotic before they improve, but stay tuned—our new website is coming!
Oh, and…The Coach Amy and Coach Liz Show podcast released 51 episodes in 2024. While it is a podcast geared towards endurance athletes, many non-athletes find the content relevant. Have a listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Your reflections.
How did you do this year? Did you meet your goals for 2024? What would you change? Did CoachAmyPT help you? Share your testimonial with me - I’d love to hear it.
Looking Ahead to the New Year
Personal wellness goals.
My wellness goals for 2025 are to stay active, especially in my beloved sport of running, and stay injury-free. Wellness isn’t just about the physical, but also the mental. This year, I aim to exercise the right side of my brain with some creative pursuits.
Clinic goals.
And what about the clinic goals for 2025? Upon certification in level 2 blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT), CoachAmyPT will add BFRT for performance enhancement to the offerings. And that refreshed and easier-to-navigate website will be released soon!
Additionally, I am taking on a teaching role as an adjunct professor at Rockhurst University's doctoral physical therapy program and speaking at Garmin headquarters on Injury Prevention in Running.
CoachAmyPT can help you!
What do you want to achieve in 2025? CoachAmyPT can help you with treatments that are customized to your body. Your goals. Your future.
I look forward to helping you move well in 2025 and beyond, whether for treating an acute or chronic injury, enhancing your recovery and performance, or helping you defy age-related musculoskeletal challenges.
Benefits of Self-Pay Physical Therapy
You have a choice when it comes to managing your physical therapy.
Are you wondering if you can see Coach Amy for physical therapy even though she doesn’t accept your insurance? Do you feel limited by your coverage? Regardless of your insurance, you can opt into self-pay physical therapy with Coach Amy. There are several benefits to doing so!
With self-pay physical therapy…
Customization of your care is not limited.
Treatments, frequency, and duration are determined as a team by you and Coach Amy without limitations from insurance.
Treatment is more efficient and may cost less overall.
With self-pay, you can choose to have Coach Amy treat multiple problem areas, like your neck and foot, in one session; insurance does not allow this.
Insurance requires a separate evaluation for unrelated areas, like the neck versus the knee. Coach Amy does not charge an evaluation fee for new treatment areas unless it has been a year since your last visit.
Some treatment techniques not covered by insurance are included in self-pay physical therapy. For instance, dry needling is not covered but is provided at no additional cost with self-pay physical therapy.
Costs are upfront and tax-deductible.
As a self-pay patient, you will know the fees for evaluation and treatment in advance, eliminating the wait for Explanation of Benefits (EOBs).
We accept payments through FSA and HSA cards, cash, checks, and major credit cards. You can submit receipts for self-pay services from Coach Amy for tax purposes.
Some non-covered treatment techniques are included with self-pay physical therapy.
For example, treatments like dry needling not covered by insurance are built into the cost of self-pay physical therapy.
Do you still have questions?
Contact Allison if you have questions about the cost differences between insurance and self-pay physical therapy.
Why you should listen to Coach Amy’s Podcast
CoachAmyPT patients find a wealth of information from the Coach Amy and Coach Liz Show.
While we created the show with endurance athletes in mind, many episodes benefit anyone living an active lifestyle, even if they aren't an endurance athlete!
It’s not just for runners!
Take it from David, who faithfully listens to every episode. David is not a triathlete or a runner. His favorite episode is about improving mental strength. While it applies to endurance racing, the information translates to all hard things that require mental strength, including overcoming injury, surgery, and pain.
A patient of CoachAmyPT with an autoimmune disease and daily pain found the strength training and the three episodes about protein applicable to the management of her disease.
I regularly refer my patients with tendon injuries due to overuse at work, hobby, or sport to the episodes about stretching, foam rolling, massage guns, and ice vs. heat.
How to listen and support the show.
Visit the podcast landing page and scroll through the list of titles; even if it includes “endurance athlete” in the title if the subject piques your interest, chances are you will find it helpful. Leave us a comment, and let us know what you think. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
How to Schedule an Appointment
Access and manage appointments with a CoachAmyPT account.
Have you ever booked an appointment online or with the app, but when you go back to look for it, poof! You can no longer see it? Have you ever wondered why you are prompted to sign the same form twice or enter your insurance information again? We know why and are here to help!
Avoid scheduling pitfalls.
To avoid scheduling pitfalls, you must create an account and log in when you book an appointment. This will allow you to see, cancel, or reschedule appointments and avoid redundant paperwork.
Computers are tricky. You might still see some of your information auto-filled when not logged in. This may trick you into thinking you are in your account. But, if you book an appointment outside your account, you won't have access to it. So, it pays to double-check!
How to create a CoachAmyPT scheduling account.
If you don’t yet have an account, you can register for one the next time you book an appointment. At the end of your booking process, when viewing the confirmation, you will see “Register for an account.”
Click Register for an account.
Create a password, agree to the terms of service, and acknowledge a privacy policy.
Click Sign up
Now, you can start using your account.
Two ways to schedule an appointment.
You can schedule appointments via your web browser or the mobile app. The process for logging into your account is a little different for each.
Scheduling via your web browser
Go to the CoachAmyPT website > schedule.
Click Login in the top-right corner to ensure your appointment is assigned to your account.
Enter your email address and password.
Click Login.
Book appointment.
Scheduling via the mobile app.
Open the app.
Tap CoachAmyPT.
Tap the silhouette icon to access the Account panel to ensure your appointment is assigned to your account.
Book appointment.
Don’t have the app?
Go to Google Play Store or Apple App Store
Download the app
Tap + from the app home screen.
Tap the Business Scheduling URL field and enter coachamypt.as.me/
Tap Add Business.
Do you still need help?
Contact Allison if you are still having difficulty accessing your scheduled appointments.
Meet Allison Stoppel, billing specialist.
A daydream turns reality.
One day, while daydreaming during a run, Coach Amy said, "Someday, when I have a private practice, you will work with me!" While owning a practice wasn't a goal then, the daydream became a reality ten years later!
Introducing Allison Stoppel
Many of you have interacted with Allison, CoachAmyPT's billing specialist and administrative assistant. But you may not know who she is! Allison is a loyal friend of Coach Amy's. They’ve been running buddies for almost 20 years. Allison is a high school math teacher and mom of two boys. She works behind the scenes, meticulously handling all billing-related matters and more for CoachAmyPT and the Roadrunners of Kansas City run club.
“I am so lucky to have Allison. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to handle CoachAmyPT’s business-related finances. ”
Look out for the occasional email from Allison with instructions regarding your patient portal and more! Contact her if you have questions about your invoice or insurance coverage.
Prioritizing your Health and Wellness with CoachAmyPT - A Guide for Insurance Patients
Prioritizing your health and wellness with CoachAmyPT is an investment with a high return.
Coach Amy helps you restore and maintain healthy movement, stay active, and live your best life, helping you avoid costly surgery, imaging, medications, and injections.
CoachAmyPT accepts Blue KC, but you may still owe payments.
Read the following information carefully to avoid surprises and to assist with your budget.
You are responsible for payment to CoachAmyPT:
If you still owe your deductible
If there is an outstanding coinsurance or copay balance
Upon reaching the maximum number of covered PT visits for the year
For non-covered, out-of-pocket services such as dry needling or high-intensity laser therapy
Upon occurrence of a no-show or late cancellation fee
Your insurance coverage is a customized agreement between yourself, your employer, and Blue. Thus, individual plans may vary. Contact your provider for clarification if you have any inquiries regarding your coverage details or deductible status.
Good Faith Estimate
CoachAmyPT emails a Good-Faith Estimate to Blue KC patients who have scheduled appointments. These are not official quotes.
Payment Options
We accept all major credit cards and HSA cards for convenient payment options.
Let’s Do This!
We look forward to helping you meet your goals with carefully crafted treatment customized to your needs.
Lifting Heavy Benefits Aging Adults and Endurance Athletes
Did you know that lifting heavy is beneficial for just about everyone? Lifting heavier weights strengthens muscles and bones, burns calories, boosts brain power, and has many anti-aging benefits.
Despite common myths, aging adults and endurance athletes can and should lift heavy. With the guidance of a physical therapist, even those with osteoporosis/osteopenia or back injuries can lift heavy in back-friendly positions, ensuring a safe and effective workout.
Persons with cardiovascular disease or heart conditions, such as high blood pressure, can benefit from lifting heavy objects if a cardiologist clears them and they use proper breathing techniques. Children under the age of 15 should not lift heavy weights.
Benefits of Lifting Heavy
Weight control
Building muscle mass burns more calories. You burn calories at rest doing nothing!
Bone strength
Lifting heavy weights stimulates bone growth and repair and mitigates osteoporosis (bone loss).
Decrease injury risk
Improved muscle strength allows you to perform daily living and sports activities with greater ease and safety and less risk of injury.
Performance enhancement, even for endurance athletes
There is a myth that heavy lifting slows endurance athletes - I used to believe that myself. But research proves that it improves speed, endurance, and run economy! Check out this article to learn more.
Anti-aging benefits
releases the hormone IGF-1 - an insulin-like growth factor that boosts brain power
prevents loss of bone mass as we age
prevents muscle wasting as we age
Want to learn more anti-aging strategies? Check out my 5-part series on the Secrets to Combating the Effects of Aging on our Musculoskeletal System.
What is meant by "lifting heavy."
Depending on your goals, lifting heavy refers to lifting at 70-90% (depending on goals) of your one-rep max (1RM), which is the maximum amount of weight you can lift with proper form for one repetition. You typically perform about 3-12 reps for 3-4 sets. Those with endurance goals will aim for 70% and higher reps, and those with speed goals will aim for 90% and lower reps.
Getting started with heavy lifting
Testing for 1RM (or the amount of weight you can lift with proper form 1 time) is very taxing and sometimes risky. You don't have to test for 1RM to learn what weight is right for you. Choose a weight and see how it feels to lift that weight with proper form. Aim for a weight that feels challenging to complete 6-10 reps such that it becomes difficult to use the correct form, but you can still maintain form.
Aim for two to three workouts per week. Endurance athletes should work with their coach to determine when heavy lifting is appropriate in their training cycle.
If you are new to lifting weights, working with a certified trainer is recommended to ensure you use good form. This professional guidance will give you the confidence to lift heavy weights safely and effectively.
Remember that lifting heavy weights does not mean you need to jump into a CrossFit competition. Heavy is relative. If you currently work with two # dumbells for a gazillion bicep curls, six # may be the right place to start, while your workout buddy may find that amount is 12#. You do you! Always.
How to lift safely
No pain, no gain is NOT a thing.
If you can lift a certain weight with good form, but it causes pain somewhere in the body, stop and seek help from a physical therapist.
Breathwork is essential with lifting.
Don't hold your breath. It spikes your blood pressure and reduces oxygen needed for the muscles. When lifting, inhale as you lower the weight and exhale as you lift. If you don't know how to breathe correctly, seek professional help.
Lift SLOW!
I have seen many patients who became injured after attending group classes where instructors moved them through heavy weights quickly! Move slowly and intentionally when lifting heavy.
When to seek professional help
Physical therapy
See a physical therapist for evaluation if you have pain with lifting or if you have a history or current back or other injury.
A physical therapist will evaluate your issue, provide treatment if needed, and modify your lifting to avoid pain and injury.
Consider blood flow restriction therapy (BFRT). Coach Amy applies a pressure cuff to your extremities at a controlled and carefully prescribed occlusion pressure (measured with a Doppler ultrasound device). The pressure minimizes the blood flow to and from your muscles during customized physical therapy rehab protocol or performance training workouts. BFRT allows us to reap the same benefit of high-intensity training with less strain on the muscles, tendons, and joints.
CoachAmyPT offers physically therapist-led 1:1 training as a self-pay service with the benefits of hands-on therapy during sessions as needed. BFRT is also available for 1:1 training at CoachAmyPT.
Other help
See a certified personal trainer if you need to learn how to lift correctly and need accountability. Seek personal trainers with training through reputable organizations such as:
National Council on Strength and Fitness Certified Personal Trainer certification (NCSF-CPT).
The National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM CPT)
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
The role of protein in lifting
You can have the best weight-lifting protocol, but resistance training is only effective if you have the building blocks for muscle and bone. Check out The Coach Amy and Coach Liz Show for three episodes about the importance of protein, including how much you need and the best sources. Listen wherever you get your podcasts or via the landing page included in the link.
Start your heavy-lifting journey
Lifting heavy weights benefits many populations, including aging adults and endurance athletes. It is important to approach heavy lifting cautiously and seek professional guidance to ensure safety and effectiveness. I hope these benefits inspire you to start or continue your heavy-lifting journey!
Activity Guidelines for COVID-19 Infection
Adaptation of Recommendations from JAMA
“I have COVID-19, can I exercise? When can I return to exercise?”
As we come to grips with COVID-19 infections as a mainstay like the seasonal flu, many athletes and patients with recent diagnoses ask, "Can I exercise, and if not, when can I return to exercise?"
These are excellent questions because of some staggering statistics: 78% of COVID-19 patients have cardiac issues, and 60% have inflammation of the heart following infection. The virus can affect the lining of your blood vessels, impacting the blood flow to all the parts and systems of your body, which is why we see lung, heart, and nervous system complications.
If you test positive for COVID-19 and are asymptomatic, rest from exercise for about ten days as you monitor closely for symptoms.
Rest is crucial when symptomatic (even when mild); this means refraining from exercise until ten days after symptom resolution, from day (1) of no symptoms. Your body needs all its resources to fight and recover from the infection. See the return to exercise steps outlined below.
Heart Testing
For mild cases, the American Academy of Cardiologists recommends a 12-lead electrocardiogram and other medical testing before resuming cardiovascularly challenging exercise to ensure no heart damage (see flow chart above). If tests are clear, a slow resumption of exercise is permitted as tolerated. See the return to exercise steps outlined below.
Return to Exercise Steps
Asymptomatic or Mild Symptom COVID-19 with Negative Heart Test Results:
start small, for short bouts, with frequent rest
monitor your heart rate
keep rate of perceived exertion (RPE) to a 3-4 at max
build gradually
keep resistance lower than 70-80% of one rep max
When to See a Cardiologist
Before returning to activity, see a cardiologist if:
you experience heart-related symptoms such as shortness of breath or heart palpitations.
you have abnormal heart test results
you experienced moderate-severe symptoms
A cardiologist will help test for myocarditis and ensure you follow the correct Myocarditis Return-to-play Guidelines.
The best defense against complications from COVID-19 is to stay up to date on your vaccination against the mutating strains. If you do get COVID-19, refer back to this post to help you follow the steps to return to activity. Remember, your very first step is to REST!
How to Prevent Muscle Loss with Aging
Coach Amy explains how a combination of protein and resistance exercises together helps prevent age-related muscle loss and how blood flow restriction training can promote muscle building and strength while keeping joints safe.
What happens to muscles as we age?
As we age, we lose muscle. We refer to this process as sarcopenia, which leads to a significant decline in function and quality of life. But it is a process we have control over!
Aging muscles respond dramatically to exercise and proper nutrition. Together, they cause an increase in mass and strength.
Prevent age-related muscle loss with protein.
Load to the muscles is required to build mass (hypertrophy) and strength. First, we must have the building blocks available to grow the muscle. The building blocks are proteins, namely leucine, lysine, and methionine.
The best source of these building blocks is protein-rich foods. Supplements help provide additional support but do not replace food sources. Muscles require high quantities of protein from food sources, namely animal sources like eggs, chicken, beef, tuna, salmon, yogurt, and cheese.
In his book Outlive, Dr. Peter Attia, MD, explains why plant protein sources are less bioavailable than animal proteins. Check out this YouTube video interview where Dr. Attia explains the differences between animal and plant proteins.
Prevent age-related muscle loss with resistance exercises safe for your joints using blood flow restriction training.
When we have the right level of proteins circulating in our bloodstream, we can build muscle with resistance exercise training. But with normal age degeneration of the joints, this can be challenging because heavy lifting can cause injury to the joints and muscles. Enter BFRT!
Blood flow restriction training (BFRT) boosts hypertrophy and strength while minimizing joint stress.
Minimizing blood flow to your muscles tricks the neuromuscular system - that connection from your brain and spinal cord to your muscles - into thinking you are performing a high-intensity exercise. This trickery leads to a cascade of biochemical changes that promote muscle growth. It also stimulates bone, muscle, and tendon repair and boosts cardiovascular performance, but that's another article.
Move without age limits and move well with CoachAmyPT.
With protein building blocks and safe resistance loading for your joints, you can prevent age-related muscle loss and move well without age limits. Ask Coach Amy at your next appointment if BFRT will help you meet your wellness goals.
What are YOUR goals for 2024?
Treatment customized to your body. Your goals. Your future.
As we transition to a new calendar, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for you, my patients - for your ongoing support and loyalty to CoachAmyPT and for trusting me with your wellness.
The new year is traditionally a time to reflect on last year's goals and create new ones. While I recommend evaluating and adjusting your goals throughout the year, the turnover to the next 365 days is a great time to do so, so let's give it a go!
Reflecting on 2023
Personal reflections.
My wellness goals for 2023 took an unexpected turn with the diagnosis of an autoimmune disorder and a torn meniscus. It meant jumping from one train track to another with a focus on learning how to manage my autoimmune disease and lots of rehab to recover from surgery. It required setting new goals, harnessing the same dedication and motivation I had for my original goals, and applying them to the new ones. And I'm still working on it because, as you’ve heard me say many times, “It is a process!”
Clinic reflections.
And what about the clinic? CoachAmyPT met many goals in 2023, including a remodel for a more functional layout and integration of high-intensity laser therapy into the treatment toolbox.
I earned my certification in advanced neurological dry-needling in the spring to enhance pelvic floor health and have helped both men and women with pelvic floor issues and endurance athletes with hip and back pain with these new techniques.
Oh, and then there is the successful launch of the new podcast, The Coach Amy and Coach Liz Show. While it is a podcast geared towards endurance athletes, several non-athletes have told us they love it and get something out of it, too. Have a listen wherever you get your podcasts.
Your reflections.
How did you do this year? Did you meet your goals for 2023? What would you change? Did CoachAmyPT help you? Share your testimonial with me - I’d love to hear it.
Looking Ahead to the New Year
Personal wellness goals.
My wellness goals for 2024 are to continue building strength, stay active, and get through the year injury-free. I'd also like to try the sport of gravel riding. It’s tempting to set a goal for a particular race, but instead, I will break down the year into quarters and set goals based on how my body reacts and progresses.
Clinic goals.
And what about the clinic goals for 2024? CoachAmyPT will add blood flow restriction training (BFRT) for injury treatment and performance enhancement. And a refreshed and easier-to-navigate website is already in the works.
CoachAmyPT can help you!
What do you want to achieve in 2024? CoachAmyPT can help you with treatments that are customized to your body. Your goals. Your future.
I look forward to helping you move well in 2024 and beyond, whether for treating an acute or chronic injury, enhancing your recovery and performance, or helping you defy age-related musculoskeletal challenges.