Introducing High-Intensity Laser Therapy at CoachAmyPT
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Drum roll, please!
After a thorough dive into the efficacy of High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT), we are excited to announce that we are adding it to the services provided at CoachAmyPT.
Many of us like to consult Google, friends, and family for medical advice, experiences, and information. Sometimes those sources are helpful; other times, we can fall into a rabbit hole of well-intentioned but incorrect info. We want to ensure your decisions regarding HILT are based on fact.
So, let us get started!
What is HILT, and what isn't?
HILT is a non-invasive and painless treatment method. It stimulates cells, including pain receptors and the immune system, and can increase blood flow and decrease pain. It promotes the repair of damaged tissues of the musculoskeletal system and nerves, which can help with neurological regeneration. Stay tuned for an article, The Science Behind HILT - coming soon.
High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) is high-powered and uses a class IV laser, not LED light therapy or cold laser. It is not low-power laser therapy (class IIIb).
The main difference between HILT and low-power laser therapy is that the more powerful beams (power >500 mW) penetrate deeper, bringing a desired high amount of multi-directional energy to deep tissues quickly.
What this means for you:
HILT is more effective and produces results that other light therapies do not.
HILT requires fewer doses than other light therapies and, therefore, less accumulated out-of-pocket expense. e.g., 5-6 treatments v.s. 20 treatments
HILT requires less treatment time: 5-8 min instead of 20-30 min; therefore, the practitioner can employ other complementary treatment methods during the same physical therapy visit.
While the therapeutic laser is a class IV laser, it is not a surgical laser. The therapeutic laser disperses the energy in a broad area for healing purposes, unlike a surgical laser which distributes the power in a concentrated area to cut, coagulate, and evaporate tissue.
High-intensity Laser Therapy is not a stand-alone treatment. It supplements and enhances other physical therapy methods like manual therapy, functional exercises, and addressing the biomechanical cause of an injury.
If Coach Amy determines you may benefit from HILT, she can incorporate it into a regular Self-Pay or BCBS Insurance Physical Therapy appointment at an additional cost.
Coming Soon
Coach Amy is writing several articles to help you learn more about HILT.
Conditions HILT Helps Treat.
HILT helps treat conditions from head to toe, including pain syndromes, nerve and joint problems, and muscle and tendon damage. In this Article, Coach Amy lays it all out.
The Science Behind HILT - How does it work?
Coach Amy takes you back to high school science and explains how HILT works. Don't worry; you will understand it even if you didn’t pass high school science.
Is HILT safe?
Coach Amy is trained and certified to use a safe, effective, FDA-approved Therapeutic Class IV laser. This article outlines the risks, precautions, and contraindications of HILT.
We know you have many questions! This article covers everything from what to expect during treatment, how many sessions you may need, how to prepare, and more.
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