COVID-19 Clinic Policy Update as of May 2, 2020
We understand that it can be confusing to determine which services you can legally and safely receive as regulations and recommendations change frequently. Following are the updated policies for our clinic, as of May 2, 2020, based on new information from our state and local governments.
If you have any questions, please contact us. As before, and as always, our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our patients and their families.
Who should come in?
Patients with pain and/or swelling.
Patients experiencing limitations in activities of daily living.
Patients recovering from surgery.
Patients experiencing chronic pain.
Patients recovering from an injury.
Patients being treated for other essential needs.
Who should WAIT to come in until Johnson County, Kansas Stay at Home is Lifted? (current projected date is May 11th)
Patients being treated only for performance-based treatments, including sport enhancement or recovery.
Patients seeking therapy for maintenance.
Patients interested in running evaluation.
Who should NOT come in?
Patients or patients with household members who have been ill in the last 2 weeks.
Patients or patients with household members who may have come into contact with someone who has been experiencing symptoms similar to COVID-19 symptoms within the past two weeks.
Patients or patients with household members who have traveled out of state within the past two weeks.
What if I cannot or do not want to come into the clinic?
We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer telehealth consultations for those who cannot come in or would prefer to stay home. These services work especially well for:
New patients.
Patients with new or changing symptoms.
Patients with high risk for complications from COVID-19.
Patients that are under mandatory isolation due to current illness, exposure, or travel.
Patients needing progression in their home program on a case by case basis.
Telehealth does not work well for manual therapy, including dry needling, ART, and joint mobilization. However, Coach Amy can do some diagnosis and home treatment planning via telehealth, including demonstrating and checking the safe and accurate performance of functional exercises and dynamic motions. If you are unsure if telehealth works for your needs, email Coach Amy at
Telehealth is not covered by insurance. Fees are $75 for a 30-minute appointment. Most patients need to follow up in person once it is safe to do so. Telehealth appointments cannot be made online. Patients interested in a telehealth appointment must email Coach Amy at
Which group do I fall into?
Where your therapy needs fall is not always clear. In that case, please rely on us. We do not want you to go without therapy if you need it. Please email Coach Amy at to describe your situation if you’re unsure.
What do I do if I have to cancel my appointment?
If you were traveling or came into contact with someone with COVID-19/CODIV-19 symptoms, go ahead and schedule for two weeks from your return/your last contact with an ill person. Just be sure to review the parameters again before coming in for your rescheduled appointment.
If you are ill, please wait until you are healthy to schedule. Schedule two weeks from when you are symptom-free.
If your therapy needs do not fall within the parameters of those we can currently see, please schedule an appointment after May 11th, 2020.
What is being done to protect against contamination?
The waiting area is closed indefinitely. Our patients wait for their appointments in the comfort of their vehicles.
All providers and patients are wearing masks while in the building and during treatment.
Patients are being asked to reschedule if they meet the above-stated specifications regarding illness and travel or have nonessential needs.
Cleaning and sanitizing processes follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, including using alcohol-based products on all surfaces following each patient visit, including devices used for payment and recording patient notes.
Coach Amy follows CDC and WHO recommended processes for handwashing for anyone entering the clinic.
Coach Amy takes her temperature twice a day and takes the temperature of anyone entering the clinic.
We are closely monitoring recommendations from CDC and WHO.
Email reminders are sent to patients the week of their appointments reminding them of clinic guidelines.
We will continue to keep you up to date with any new information we receive.
Thank you for your trust, confidence, and cooperation. We wish you all the best of health.