PT Adventure Part I: Down and Out on the Slopes to Pre-surgery Rehab
Coach Amy of Coach Amy PT and Jennifer at her pre-surgery physical therapy appointment.
RRKC runner, Jennifer W. texted Coach Amy of from a ski patrol hut, "Um. I think I'll be needing an experienced PT in the near future..." Accompanying this text was a picture of her lying on a cot with ice on her knee.
Jennifer fell skiing on the powdery slopes of Colorado and heard a pop in her knee. She was escorted off the mountain by ski patrol. Her main complaint, "...I can't put a lot of weight on it and it feels very unstable."
Suspecting an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear, Coach Amy created a plan to expedite Jennifer's care. Before she left Colorado, she had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon the day of her return to KC with strict PT orders: no weight bearing, ice, elevation and compression.
Within one week Jennifer had confirmation of an ACL and possible MCL (medial collateral ligament) tear, surgery scheduled and a prehab physical therapy appointment scheduled with Coach Amy PT.
For pre-surgery rehab, Coach Amy instructed Jennifer in a series of exercises to help restore stability of the knee and maintain her cardiovascular fitness. This will aid in a quicker and successful recovery post surgery.
JJ remains in good humor, " you have any tips on healing a bruised ego?" Her dedication to and positive attitude will do wonders in her recovery.
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