Coach Amy is Collecting More Used Run Shoes for ScrapsKC
After our successful event with ScrapsKC last October, patients of CoachAmyPT and Roadrunners of Kansas City athletes continue to donate their used run shoes.
ScrapsKC provides food, clothing, employment, and companionship to the homeless in Kansas City. The homeless walk ten to fifteen miles a day and often don't get replacement shoes regularly. Your donation of used adult running shoes can make a significant difference in the life of a person experiencing homelessness.
We will continue to accept donations through June 1st. If you’d like to add to the growing donation pile, bring your used run shoes to your CoachAmyPT appointment or a Roadrunners of Kansas City group run in May.
Rewire your Run with Coach Amy's Run Specific Strength Class
Coach Amy’s Rewire your Run class includes a combination of neuromuscular drills, Pilates-style mat work, and functional exercises specific to running. We move slowly and intentionally in this class with internal and external resistance (bands, weights).
Moves are geared toward particular muscle groups and neuromuscular patterns specific to running but are also beneficial to non-runners.
You will walk like a penguin, crawl like a bear, and kick like a donkey.
This is not a cardio-intensive class. Our focus is on quality and accurate motion that builds strength and stability safely and productively.
Thursday nights 6:00-6:45 PM at the CoachAmyPT clinic.
Classes are held in 4-6 weeks sessions by invitation only. If you are interested in the course, please contact us so we can add you to our invite list! Space is limited.
Is Run Streaking Safe?
Coach Amy discusses the safety of run streaking in her recent article, Streak Runner’s Beware.
Coach Amy Published in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
The most rewarding aspect of my career is patient treatment, but when the rare opportunity to conduct research comes along, I take it! During the dark days of the Pandemic shutdown, I collaborated with professor Janice Loudon to study the training habits and running-related injury rates in female runners over age 40. The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy published our manuscript: Loudon J, Parkerson-Mitchell A. Training Habits and Injury Rate in Masters Female Runners. IJSPT. 2022;17(3):501-507.
Five Tips for Fitting Your Physical Therapy Home Exercise Program into A Busy Schedule
Physical therapy is time-consuming. Besides managing appointments, most treatment requires the dreaded home exercise program. Carving out time in an already demanding life schedule is a challenge. But, it is doable and critical for successful rehabilitation.
On top of work, a new baby, volunteering, and managing a home, one patient exclaimed, "I'm just trying to survive right now." You are right! We can't ignore the baby, broken water pipes, a return to work, or lack of sleep to squeeze in PT exercises. I have to admit, that would be the first thing I'd want to throw off my to-do list. But, to achieve success with daily functional tasks safely, without pain and further injury these exercises are a necessary evil; they are the broccoli of function.
It is tempting to come to the clinic and just let the "PT do it." But in most instances, that will not lead to a full recovery or long-term success and will undoubtedly lengthen the time it takes to get well. There are at least two people on the rehab team: the patient and the therapist.
So team, how do we manage these exercises? Here are a few tips from Coach Amy:
Spread out the load.
Make a checklist.
Get help.
Ask your PT.
Get creative.
Spread out the load.
In most cases, doing a few exercises at once and spreading them out throughout the day is not harmful to the process. When it comes to training the body, this is beneficial. Taking 5-10 minutes here and there to do a few at a time will allow you to fit it into those "down times" that occur between all the busy. It will also allow you to slow down, focus and maintain quality for each repetition instead of trying to rush through all the exercises into one chunk to get it done.
I have a patient who does her single leg balance exercises every morning while brushing her teeth!
Make a checklist.
Take your videoed exercises and make a list for each one that you check off throughout the day as you get them done. Your list may be on old-fashioned paper, a whiteboard, or a digital app. Whatever you choose, don't leave the list in your head. Make sure you get to physically check it off and see it visually when you complete each one.
Get help.
Enlist family, friends, and children to help you get it done. If kids are old enough, set them up with their version of "PT" so you can do it together. Spouses will surely help keep the house from catching fire if you ask them to cover you for 10 minutes (v.s. 40 min) while you find a corner to do two sets of one of the exercises on your list.
Ask your PT.
Has your list grown from 5 exercises to 25 throughout your treatment? EEk! Sometimes we lose track. Most therapeutic home programs do not need to be lengthy. But, it does depend upon the nature and complexity of your injury and your goals. If your program has taken over your life, be sure to talk to your PT. Go through your list together, eliminate those no longer needed, and select the most relevant and important ones.
Get creative.
Are walking lunges on your list, but you have a cranky infant that needs to stay moving? Let's lunge while pushing a stroller! Always check with your PT before modifying an exercise to ensure it is safe.
Broccoli may be hard to get down, but if you prepare it right, it isn’t so bad. Make a plan, enlist the help you need, and fit that home exercise program into your life. You will be really glad you did.
How have you managed to fit in your prescribed PT exercises? We want to hear from you! email us with your creative solutions and recipes for success.
Respect your Plantar Fascia or Else!
"I've got the plantar fascitis” is not an uncommon statement uttered amongst runners huddled around an aid station. It presents as pain in the underside of the heel or arch of the foot. If left untreated, it can lead to bone spurs, tears, or even rupture of the plantar aponeurosis, which happened to me. Read my story here. Additionally, the hip, back, and knee may become injured as they work hard to compensate for an ineffective plantar aponeurosis. I can also personally attest to that!
The plantar aponeurosis or fascia is usually not the only structure inflamed or injured when a runner has foot pain. Often, the intrinsic muscles of the foot are inflamed as well. And indeed, not all foot pain or heel pain is plantar fasciitis, even if Dr. Google diagnosis it. Always seek advice from a medical professional such as a physical therapist to evaluate and treat your foot pain.
But what is this plantar structure, and why is it important? It is a fibrous band that spans the bottom of your foot. It connects your rear foot bone (calcaneus) to the end of your long foot bones (metatarsals). It is more complicated than this, but I'm attempting to keep this explanation brief.
The plantar aponeurosis commands respect because it supports your weight and is critical for a safe and efficient running form. When you run or walk, the aponeurosis prevents your arch from collapsing. It attenuates the forces of your body weight and the ground, and when you are running, those forces are anywhere from 3-6 times your body weight!
The plantar aponeurosis is also critical to the timing of your foot movement when you walk and run, from the moment your foot hits the ground to when it pushes off. Think of this aponeurosis like the air in a bike tire. The tire supports the frame and absorbs shock as it travels over various surfaces. The ride is rough, and the bike is difficult to steer if it is too low on air. Running on an inflamed or dysfunctional plantar aponeurosis is like driving a car or riding a bike with a flat tire.
Like most running injuries, plantar fasciitis is typically due to a combination of factors. Below are some that contribute.
too much pronation or not enough pronation
rigid foot (high arch, poor foot mobility)
tight calves/achilles tendon
poor neuromuscular skills required for running
weak or un-plugged calf, hip or knee muscles
Take it from me; just like driving or biking with a flat tire, running with one is a terrible idea. Take foot pain seriously and consult a physical therapist, preferably one who specializes in running. Coach Amy evaluates and treats foot pain based on a biomechanical model which focuses on the cause and prevention.
You can follow Coach Amy’s experience with a plantar rupture on Instagram @coachamypt or subscribe to her running blog, Diary of a Happy Runner.
Lazy Cycling Form and Poor Strength is Causing a Mid-Back "Paindemic."
Tis' the season for the triathlete upper back "Paindemic." It's going around again. Issues come in predictable waves in the CoachAmyPT clinic. Right now, upper back pain is going around. When it gets bad enough, the pain will radiate into the shoulder blade and down the back of the shoulder. There is no vaccine for it, but there is a way to prevent it!
There are many contributing factors to upper back pain in cyclists, including helmet and bike fit, tire pressure, vision, etc. But let us assume you are indoors on the trainer this winter and have a good bike fit. That leaves us with two main culprits: inadequate strength and poor form.
Check Form.
Check your head and your chin. Even if you are binging a show or have your eyes glued to your power meter and stats, make sure your neck is not overly flexed or extended. It should be neutral and in line with the rest of your spine; this requires you to engage your deep cervical spine flexors.
Check your midback. Do you look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame? You should be able to line up a broomstick from the back of your head to your pelvis. It's hard to hold this position for long or while moving your legs if you don't have chest and upper back strength.
Check your shoulders. Are they engaged, or are you resting into ligaments or the posterior capsule to help prevent you from collapsing? Your humerus bone (that's the upper arm bone) should be sitting right in the middle of the socket, not resting on the back of the capsule or pushing up into the upper shelf of your shoulder blade.
Strengthen Up.
If you've let the chest, shoulder, and upper back muscles turn into jello over the recovery season, it is not too late to strengthen these up. Focus on isometrics and eccentric strengthening of the following.
serratus anterior
deep cervical spine flexors
Prevent it in the first place.
If you need help with your form or would like to explore a home program to prevent upper back injury with biking, schedule an appointment with Coach Amy! Choose Wellness Evaluation. Be sure to come early to set up your bike on the trainer. Bring your phone to video record home exercises.
Treat symptoms early.
If you are currently in pain, do not schedule a wellness appointment just yet. Instead, schedule a physical therapy evaluation to determine the cause and rule out other contributing factors. Not all upper back pain is from cycling. Choose New Patient Evaluation and Treatment.
As you bring back bike volume on the trainer this winter, there is a tendency to be lazy and sag into the bars while the legs do all the work, but as you can see, that can cause trouble. Avoid the pitfalls now so you can "kill it" later!
Coach Amy's Deep Water Running Tips for Injured Endurance Athletes
"The pool is a graveyard where injured runners go to die," grumbled one of my patients. Running in the water instead of on the road is a depressing notion for most endurance athletes. When I suggest it to my patients, the typical response is a blank stare, cringe, or outright disgust. But before you protest, hear me out! The benefits far outweigh the inconvenience, and the workout regimen can and should be challenging.
Benefits of Deep Water Running
The benefits of deep water running are numerous.
The buoyancy of the water decreases weight-bearing forces on injured joints, ligaments, and tendons.
The viscosity of the water provides resistance and strengthens muscles.
Hard and fast interval segments maintain and even improve run-specific cardiovascular fitness.
Correct water running form can help maintain neuromuscular movement patterns specific to the sport that will stick with you when you return to the road.
How to Deep Water Run
You will need two things for success: a water belt and access to the deep end of a pool. Check with your pool or gym to see if they have water belts for members. If not, consider investing in one. My favorite brand is Aquajogger. Maintaining proper form is essential, and it isn't easy to do so without a water belt.
Correct Water Running Form
You will move and translate forward when you are running in the water. To prevent injury and to maximize effectiveness, follow these tips:
Position your pelvis and spine in a neutral position, not tilted forward or backward.
Use a quick turnover of 180 strides per minute. That means one foot is pushing down 90 times in one minute.
Use a short stride. Do not overreach.
Hold hands at chest height and drive elbows back as you do when you run on the road.
Drive your foot down and back like you would if you were pushing a bike pedal down.
Troubleshooting Tips
Water running should not cause pain. If you experience pain with water running, please check with your physical therapist or healthcare professional before continuing.
If you experience hamstring (back of thigh) pain: check your stride. It is likely too long. A short and quick stride is best.
If you feel back pain, check your pelvis position and make sure to engage your abs. Avoid slouching or arching the back.
Crack the Boredom
The biggest complaint I hear from patients is that water running is boring. It is much more engaging when running at a high intensity and with variable workouts like those described above. Avoid trying to complete the equivalent of a long run in the pool. Wear waterproof earbuds and listen to some fast-paced tunes that help you maintain 180 bpm cadence. Consider water running with a friend; it isn't just for the injured!
Deep Water Running Workouts
Your imagination is the limit when it comes to the variations in workouts. Your speedwork sessions on the track or road can translate to the pool by converting the distance to time. Keep in mind that you need to prepare properly with a dynamic warm-up poolside. Always start with a warm-up before commencing tempo and interval segments.
Water Running Key
Warm-ups (wu) and Warm-downs (wd):
10 min easy. A comfortable pace that you feel like you can maintain for a long time.
Tempo Segments:
3-5 minutes at a moderate intensity where you feel you can still talk but are breathless.
Hard Interval Segments:
1-4 minutes at a hard intensity where you feel like you could grunt in response to questions and can only keep the pace up for a short period. Recover between segments with a more manageable pace for 1-2 minutes.
Workouts from Coach Amy
Below are three workouts to try. See how you respond to Workout 1 before your try the others. I recommend at least one day of recovery between workouts.
Workout 1: Test the Waters (30 min)
10 min wu
10 x 1 min hard on (1 min easy between each)
10 min wd
Workout 2: Ladder Drills (approx 40 min)
10 min wu
Ladder Up: hard 1 min, 2 min, and 3 min (1 min easy between each)
Ladder Down: hard 3 min., 2 min, and 1 min (1 min easy between each)
10 min wd
Workout 3: Tempo with Intervals (approx 1 hour)
10 min wu
Repeat three times through:
Hard 5 x 1 min (1 min easy between each)
Tempo 5 minutes
2 min easy
10 min wd
Water running is a viable, challenging substitute for running and it need not be awful. One of my patients with a plantar plate tear is water running twice per week. She reports, "Once I got going in the pool, I felt great. I like Aqua jogging. Can I continue this even when I get back to running again?" My answer was a resounding, "Yes!" Water running is a great tool to improve speed while taking the load off your joints.
If you are injured, seek evaluation and treatment from a physical therapist before water running. An experienced physical therapist specializing in treating endurance athletes can help you create a tailored program specifically for your goals.
Ice or Heat?
Patients and athletes frequently ask, "Should I ice or heat?" The purpose of using ice or heat is to control inflammation, but which one to use depends on whether the injury is acute or chronic.
Acute Injuries
In the case of a sudden injury like an ankle sprain or a hamstring pull, apply an ice pack (crushed ice in a plastic bag) for 20 minutes as needed to minimize swelling and decrease pain. Allow at least 20 minutes between icing sessions. Never fall asleep with ice on your body. You can also use an ice cup to massage the area. After the first 48 hours of a sudden injury, you may alternate icing with moist heat (see Chronic Injuries below). In the event of severe injury, seek medical attention immediately.
Chronic Injuries
Chronic injury is the result of prolonged overuse like tennis elbow or piriformis syndrome. Apply moist heat for 20 minutes to decrease inflammation and improve blood flow. Allow at least 20 minutes between heating sessions. Coach Amy's favorite anti-inflammatory and pain relief method for chronic injury is a 20-minute soak in magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salts. Microwave moist hot packs are available at drugstores and online.
Whether an acute or chronic injury, schedule an appointment with your medical provider if it does not improve within a few weeks or affects performance or function.
The application of heat and ice modalities is all about controlling inflammation. To learn more about inflammation and its impact on injury, health, and pain, check out Coach Amy’s three-part series:
How do I promptly get first and follow-up appointments?
Coach Amy's schedule fills up quickly, but if you know how to navigate the scheduling system, you can get in relatively fast and avoid long gaps between your physical therapy appointments, which is essential for a successful outcome in your treatment.
Helpful tips for navigating the CoachAmyPT scheduling system:
Book follow-ups in advance.
Use the waitlist reservation feature.
Stay on top of the schedule.
Book Follow-Ups in Advance
The CoachAmyPT schedule is available for booking 30 days in advance. When you book an appointment, even if it is an evaluation, take the time to book three follow-up appointments; otherwise, there may be a three or four-week delay before your subsequent treatment—Book once per week, starting with the week after your first appointment or evaluation. We can cancel or reschedule appointments if it is determined at your first visit that subsequent sessions are unnecessary or needed less frequently.
Use the Waitlist Reservation Feature
Schedule a reservation on the waiting list if the first available session with Coach Amy is over a week away. A reservation on the waitlist does not guarantee an appointment. If a spot becomes available, you will receive a separate email or text message.
Pro-tip: Book one spot per week. We will notify you of all available dates and times that become available the week of your reservation.
Stay on Top of the Schedule
Take care not to fall off the schedule. Once you've secured subsequent appointments, check the website scheduling page regularly to maintain consistency with your treatment. Coach Amy's calendar adds future openings 30 days ahead of time. Book your sessions according to the frequency that Coach Amy prescribed for you. Some patients find it helpful to add a reminder to their calendar to "Book with Amy."
Avoid Pitfalls
Have you ever booked an appointment online or with the app, but when you go back to look for it, poof! You can no longer see it? Have you ever wondered why you are prompted to sign the same form twice or enter your insurance information again? Read this helpful article.