Sheltering-At-Home Impact on Your Physical Therapy at CoachAmyPT
PT is considered essential as we mitigate pain and restore full function and movement, which is critical to staying well, especially now. Let’s put this another way:
Your health and well-being are essential.
The decision to remain open has not been an easy one. We re-evaluate on a daily basis. It continues to come down to this: our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our patients and their families. As long as we determine that you and your family are best served by Coach Amy seeing patients, we will continue.
Who should come in?
Patients recovering from surgery.
Patients experiencing chronic pain.
Patients recovering from an injury.
Patients being treated for other essential needs.
Who should NOT come in?
Patients or patients with household members who have been ill in the last 2 weeks.
Patients or patients with household members who may have come into contact with someone who has been experiencing symptoms similar to COVID-19 symptoms within the past two weeks.
Patients or patients with household members who have traveled out of state within the past two weeks.
Patients with nonessential needs.
Are my PT needs essential?
We do not expect you to determine whether or not your needs are essential on your own. Please rely on us to help you make that decision. We do not want you to go without therapy if you need it. Please email Coach Amy at to describe your situation if you’re unsure.
What do I do if I have to cancel my appointment?
If you were traveling or came into contact with someone with COVID-19/CODIV-19 symptoms, go ahead and schedule for two weeks from your return/your last contact with an ill person. Just be sure to review the parameters again before coming in for your rescheduled appointment.
If you are ill, please wait until you are healthy to schedule. Schedule two weeks from when you are symptom-free.
If you have nonessential needs, schedule for the end of Johnson County’s 30-day stay-at-home order: April 23rd.
Email Coach Amy for further instructions. We are looking into ways to help you remotely, including telehealth options. We will keep you informed.
What is being done to protect against contamination?
We closed our waiting area. Our patients wait for their appointments in the comfort of their vehicles.
All providers and patients are wearing masks.
Patients are being asked to reschedule if they meet the above-stated specifications regarding illness and travel or have nonessential needs.
Cleaning and sanitizing processes follow the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, including using alcohol-based products on all surfaces following each patient visit, including devices used for payment and recording patient notes.
Coach Amy follows CDC and WHO recommended processes for handwashing for anyone entering the clinic.
Coach Amy takes her temperature twice a day and takes the temperature of anyone entering the clinic.
We are closely monitoring recommendations from CDC and WHO.
Email reminders are sent to patients the night before their appointments reminding them of clinic guidelines.
A Message from Coach Amy
This is a difficult time. It’s hard to make decisions with little information. It’s hard to know what’s best. I will do whatever I can to help you navigate whether or not you should come in for treatment. Email me. I will answer you as soon as I can.
We are all affected by COVID-19, whether we are on the front lines saving lives or being responsible by sheltering in place. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
We will continue to keep you up to date as additional information is provided to the physical therapy community regarding how we can ensure your health and safety, alternative opportunities to treat our patients, and any other information impacting how we can best help you during this difficult time.
Thank you for your trust, confidence, and cooperation.